Mini Review
Oncocardiology: Far beyond the cardiotoxicity
Jing Wei, Wen-Jie Pan and Min Pan*
Published: 29 November, 2022 | Volume 7 - Issue 3 | Pages: 098-099
Approximately 73.4% of global deaths are caused by chronic non-communicable diseases, among them, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, and chronic respiratory diseases ranked in the top 3 respectively [1]. An accumulating body of evidence showed that the risk of all-cause mortality in cancer patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) was 3.78 times higher than that of those without CVD and 8.8% of cancer survivors died of CVD [2]. Heart failure (HF) is a serious manifestation or terminal stage of various heart diseases. Although myocardial damage and dysfunction are the main causes of HF, the cardiovascular injury caused by the tumor itself and the detrimental effect of cancer treatment also play an important role. More recently, the data has suggested that up to 25% - 30% of patients with HF have histories of cancer for about 10 years; and cancer also determines the prognosis of heart HF [3].
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DOI: 10.29328/journal.jccm.1001141
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