
Case Report

Acute ischemic stroke management in a patient with ventricular assist device

Çisil İrem Özgenç Biçer*, Işıl Kalyoncu Aslan, Irmak Salt and Eren Gözke

Published: 23 December, 2020 | Volume 5 - Issue 3 | Pages: 174-175

Ventricular assist device is a portable machine which is also called an artificial heart for the patients who have terminal heart failure. The device maintains the heart’s vital functions until the suitable donor is found for the heart transplantation. It can be applied to either ventricles or both (biventricular). Although the device provides independence for the patient, it also has life-threatening complications. Such as infection, stroke secondary to thromboembolism, hemorrhage depending on anticoagulant use, right heart failure… and most of the time it is really hard to manage those complications. We will present a case, who had ischemic stroke as a complication of VAD even though he has been using aspirin, warfarin and had effective INR value.

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