
Research Article

Numerical Simulation of Thrombotic Occlusion in Tortuous Arterioles

Zhi-Gang Feng*, Miguel Cortina, Jennifer KW Chesnutt and Hai-Chao Han*

Published: 06 December, 2017 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 095-111

Tortuous microvessels alter blood flow and stimulate thrombosis but the physical mechanisms are poorly understood. Both tortuous microvessels and abnormally large platelets are seen in diabetic patients. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the physical effects of arteriole tortuosity and platelet size on the microscale processes of thrombotic occlusion in microvessels. A new lattice-Boltzmann method-based discrete element model was developed to simulate the fluid flow field with fluid-platelet coupling, platelet interactions, thrombus formation, and thrombotic occlusion in tortuous arterioles. Our results show that vessel tortuosity creates high shear stress zones that activate platelets and stimulate thrombus formation. The growth rate depends on the level of tortuosity and the pressure and flow boundary conditions. Once thrombi began to form, platelet collisions with thrombi and subsequent activations were more important than tortuosity level. Thrombus growth narrowed the channel and reduced the flow rate. Larger platelet size leads to quicker decrease of flow rate due to larger thrombi that occluded the arteriole. This study elucidated the important roles that tortuosity and platelet size play in thrombus formation and occlusion in arterioles. 

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Thrombosis; Lattice-Boltzmann method; Shear stress; Flow; Microvessel tortuosity; Platelet activation; Platelet size effect


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