Research Article
Published: 07 July, 2017 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 050-051
Woven coronary artery (WCA) is an extremely rare and still not a clearly defined coronary anomaly. It is characterized by the division of epicardial coronary artery into thin channels which then reanastomose with the distal part of the abnormal coronary artery [1]. Since the angiographic imaging of WCA looks like an intracoronary thrombus and dissection; the differential diagnosis between atherothrombotic coronary arteries with recanalization of organized thrombi in coronary arteries and WCA may be very difficult for invasive cardiologists, especially in patients with single or two coronary artery involvements [2].
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Coronary artery; Woven coronary anomaly; Angiography; Myocardial infarction
Figure 1
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